Hi, I'm Kayla!

A little bit about me- I'm 25 years-old, was born in northern Utah and am currently living in Salt Lake City. I graduated from the University of Utah in December 2021 with an Honors B.S. in Multi-Disciplinary Design from the College of Architecture and Planning with a minor in Spanish Languages & Culture. I am currently working full-time as an Experience Designer at Adobe and part-time at the University of Utah as an adjunct faculty member teaching an advanced digital product course. I love skiing, rock-climbing, yoga, trail-running, live music, and am very enthusiastic when it comes to chatting about TV shows, movies and food (even better if it's a TV show or movie about food).

I'm most excited by the potential that design has to tell beautiful, human-centered stories. I believe that all design is rooted in narrative, and it's my job as a designer to act as vessel to relay those stories- to deliver to people both eloquent and meaningful experiences.

 Would love to chat with you sometime! Feel free to reach out at any of the below contacts.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kayla-kingsley-828695140

Work email: kingsley@adobe.com

Personal email: kaylalkingsley@gmail.com

Phone: 801.663.6275
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